Fantastic read on India's ID system called Aadhaar. One of the three pillars of India's Digital Public Infrastructure. The diagram halfway through the post showing the Registration and EKYC flows is really useful in understanding a system which has been a great success in many ways. But as the post says, has also been home to the world's largest data breach!

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Thanks Matt :-). Yes spot on. Identity -> Payments -> Data.

I think they've plugged most of the leaks now as there has been less noise and concern but the flow diagram also highlights the pros and cons of the centralised IDV system.

Reuse the same verified ID and KYC 'packet' to lower the overhead on banks potentially creating multiple inconsistent records on an individual but also a key downside is that potential for leaks and cyber attacks. Robust security, process and APIs should mitigate that though

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the real slim shady, pls. stand up, pls. stand up... curtain call, lol

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